New R Ecology Lesson Released

The redesigned version of the lesson becomes official curriculum today.

Those visiting the Data Carpentry Data Analysis and Visualisation in R for Ecologists lesson today might notice things have changed! The redesigned version of the lesson, approved for adoption by the Curriculum Advisory Committee earlier this year, has now replaced the previous content.

The former version was released to Zenodo before the redesigned content was merged into the lesson, and the files and folders of that version can be downloaded from there or accessed through the history of the lesson repository.

What happens next?

  • Teach the lesson! Data Carpentry Ecology workshops teaching R should include this redesigned lesson from now on.
  • Give feedback! Feedback from Instructors and suggestions for how the lesson could be improved – always welcome across all lessons! – are particularly vital for the success of this updated content. To make your contribution, please open an issue on the lesson repository, submit a pull request, or send an email to the Curriculum Team that we can pass on to the lesson Maintainers.
  • Help update other lessons! Curriculum Advisors and Lesson Program Governors have identified relatively large updates needed on a number of other Carpentries lessons. If you would like to collaborate with other community members to redesign and refresh another lesson, please get in touch.

Thank you, Lesson Maintainers!

We are grateful to the new team of Maintainers, who volunteered to take responsibility for the upkeep of this refreshed lesson. They are:

Dialogue & Discussion

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